Imaginez un Transport Efficace et Responsable
With a view to a wide-range sustainability the project “I.T.E.R. - Imaginez un Transport Efficace et Responsable” aims at making public transport efficient and of quality and promoting responsible behaviours in relationship to the needs of sustainable transport.
Amongst the main activities that were realized on the Italian slope, there are: a cross-border reconnaissance journey of public transport services; the purchase and assignment on a free loan of 105 electric pedal assisted city bikes to tourist operators; the installation of a network of hot spots to navigate the web for free at the main bus stops and squares of the municipalities of the Grand Paradis Mountain Community; the purchase and loan of 16 electric pedal assisted Mountain Bikes to the visitors of the Gran Paradiso valleys; the realisation of the smartphone app "Gran Paradiso Valleys" to inform visitors about the different means of public transport available to reach the Aosta Valley, the Gran Paradiso valleys and to move throughout the area; the support for the realisation of the smartphone app “SvAPP”, which gives real-time updates about the bus transit schedule to the different bus stops; the organization of events and initiatives to promote soft mobility and aiming at sensitizing a large public.
DURATION: 3 years
BUDGET: € 1.875.000
REGIONAL STRUCTURE IN CHARGE: Regional Department for Tourism, Sports, Trade and Transport - Transport Division
IMPLEMENTING BODY: Fondation Grand Paradis
CO-IMPLEMENTING BODIES: Communauté de Communes du Haut-Chablais; Communauté de Communes de la Vallée d’Abondance; Conseil Général de Haute-Savoie